
Showing posts from October 29, 2023

The Parable of the Talents 2

  Our Money Is Not Our Own We enter into the world with nothing and we leave with nothing. One of the first lessons that I learned a few years ago that really changed the way I thought about money was simply this: none of it is mine. It is all God’s.  I have the privilege and opportunity to be a steward of what He has given me. Stewardship is something that I hear a lot of talk about, but not a lot of understanding.  I truly believe that understanding what stewardship is and how it applies to our lives will change the way we make decisions each and every day. If we really understand what it means to be stewards, we will begin to not only see our lives change, but also the world around us.  Like all other Biblical principles, tremendous benefit is gained by following them. Once I began looking at my money this way, it changed my whole financial outlook and helped me to be more focused on pleasing God with the money entrusted to me. Even if we spent our lives and ignored our responsibili

The Parable of the Talent

  Recognizing God's Trust and Our Responsibility Matthew 25: 14-30 read  In the Parable of the Talents, we see that God entrusts us with resources according to our abilities.  There is a lot to unpack here, but today let's start by focusing on recognizing God's trust and our responsibility to manage His resources wisely.  As stewards, we're called to faithfully manage and grow what God has entrusted us with. But being a good steward doesn't just mean avoiding debt or living frugally.  It means investing wisely and multiplying, just as the servants did in the parable. Recall the one servant who buried what he had was led by fear to maintain, while the other two servants were led by faith to multiply. Reflect on your own life and ask yourself how you've been using the resources God has given you. Are you burying your talents in the ground, or multiplying them for the Kingdom? Let's pray: Dear Father, thank You for entrusting me with the resources and talents Y