
Showing posts from November 19, 2023

A CAll to Remember & Obey

            ‘Forget not all his Benefits’  Deuteronomy 8:1-20  In this eighth chapter of Deuteronomy, Moses warns the people of God of the ease with which they can forget the Lord and his great kindnesses to them and urges them to be careful not to do so, but to remember the Lord and all that he has done.   This warning and this exhortation is as necessary for you and me as it was for the Israelites in that long ago day. That generation of course, as the chapter reminds us, had much to remember. They had just finished those long years in the wilderness, which were necessary, after all, only because their parents had rebelled against the Lord and faithlessly refused to trust his promise to bring them into Canaan in triumph, even though he had brought them so miraculously and triumphantly out of bondage in Egypt, had brought them out   TIME TO REMEMBER: BLESS THE LORD AND FORGET NOT ALL HIS BENEFITS ***************************************************************************** Remember hi