
Showing posts from April 21, 2024

Passion,Vision & Action

  “ Passion is what makes life interesting, what ignites our soul, fuels our love and carries our friendships, stimulates our intellect, and pushes our limits .” Pat Tilman Where does your passion come from? What is the source of leadership? Jesus clearly acted out of His passion for people and the world, but where did that passion come from? In these verses He explains that true fruitfulness in life comes from being connected to the real source. Ultimately Jesus’ passion came from God, His Father. He and the Father were one, so closely linked that what was on God’s heart was on the Son’s heart, too. In John 5:19 He says, “…the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.” Jesus knows if it was true for Him, it would be even more so for us. He tells His followers in these verses, if you want to be fruitful in a lasting way, remain connected to Me, get your passion from Me. This is where true passion for