Let Go of Control #CrazyFaith


Today's Scripture

Psalm 55:22, NIV

Cast your cares on the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken.

Today's Word

One of the best things I’ve learned is to trust God’s timing and His ways. What God promised will come to pass. But it may not happen the way you think, and it may not be when you had planned. If you’re trying to control the outcome and the time frame, you’re going to live worried. You have to release control. You have to let go of having to have it happen your way.

God already has what’s upsetting you figured out. He knows the end from the beginning. 

But here’s the key: He doesn’t give you the details. If you knew how everything was going to work out, it wouldn’t take faith. 

If He told you, “Three months from now, a big door is going to open. It may look as though you’re going backward, but there’s a shortcut that’s going to put you ahead.” You would relax and say, “Okay, it’s all going to work out.” Why don’t you do that now? God has it all planned out.

 He’s doing things you can’t see. There are good breaks coming. The healing, the favor, and the right people are already on your schedule.

 If you release control of what is troubling you, you can enjoy your life while you’re waiting for things to change. What’s upsetting you? What’s keeping you awake at night? God is saying, “Release it to Me. I’m in control. I’m ordering your steps. I’m working behind the scenes. It may not be good yet, but I’m going to turn it for your good.”

But if you’re upset over what’s not changing, worried about your finances, and can’t sleep because your child is off course, that’s a sign that you’ve stopped believing. 

You need to enter into rest. Come back to a place of peace. You can’t trust God and be worried at the same time. When you’re at rest, you know that God is in control. You know that all things are going to work for your good, and you know that what He started, He’s going to finish. When you’re at rest, you’re not stressed out, and you feel restored and revitalized.

Prayer for Today


I trust in Your divine timing and plan. Even when my path seems winding and unclear, I know You’re steering my life with purpose. As I face detours and delays, let me remember that these are not setbacks but setups for a bigger blessing You have prepared for me. When doors seem closed and I can’t discern Your hand at work, I remain hopeful, knowing You work behind the scenes in ways beyond my comprehension. I embrace where I am because I believe it is where You want me to be. Thank You, Lord, for the set times of favor, healing, and turnaround You have designated for me. I realize that if it hasn’t happened yet, it’s not my time. Help me not to fight but to trust, knowing that my breakthrough is coming right on schedule. God, I rejoice in Your promises and look forward to the day when Your bigger, more rewarding blessings unfold in my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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